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Soooo Beautiful Game

wow, this is amazing, i just had trouble with the controls because it was designed for controller. and another thing is that the subtitles are sometimes delayed. but other than that this game is a masterpeice

GG, is really good job. So beautifull things in this game and the hystory, all it´s perfect bro.

So good! really loved the visual design, but the sound design is also really well done! Great job!

really good bro this shows potential of an 2d game

Insanely awesome game. I loved the whole concept, the art, the story, the music was fire. 100% 10/10.

this is Awesome! love the controls, the silent storyteling, the duration (leaves me wanting more of it)
great game!

After I finished playing, I stared at the menu screen for a few minutes, in absolute awe, this game was spectacular!

Incredible art direction and immersive gameplay thanks to the perfect OST.

I'm just in love with all the characters and the world they were a part of, good job!



Hey there! This is absolutely one of the best platformers I have ever played. The mechanics and the story aren't what I expected to find here at all. The use of color for emphasis was subtle but very well used. The Music, OH THE MUSIC was so amazingly integrated into the various scenes of the game! I haven't felt like this about a game in a while. I really think you have something wonderful here. Thank you for such a great experience!


not to good with words but i gotta say this was a awesome game to play, super enjoyable, LOVE the art style and it somehow feels nostalgic to me, like it reminds me of a few games i have played in the passed and most of all it's simple but simple done right. if you ever make this game more fleshed out, you know a larger game i'll happily pay and play it

also did do a recording but it was a long time ago if anyone is interested but seriously support this creator, need more games lol 

Hey everyone! 🙌I just wanted to drop by and say that Sheepy: A Short Adventure is one of the best games I’ve played in a long time. The art, the story, and the music are simply amazing. 🎮✨ If you'd like to see my full gameplay⬇️

Oh my god... What can I even say. This game is a masterpiece! One of the best games I've played in a long time. The atmosphere was so captivating and mysterious. The music was so beautiful and filled with emotion. The pixel art was stunning at every turn and just made you want to look at everything. And characters! The characters just warmed my heart and made me want to fight for them as hard as I could. It was all just so incredible. I started the game and wasn't expecting too much, but it just kept getting better and better. The ending made me start to tear up. It just punched me in the feels. Just a little sheep against the world. I don't want to give away spoilers but anyone reading this has to play this game. You can tell the devs were really passionate about this project. Devs, please keep making games. Or continue to add more to this one and make it a full release on steam. It's already perfect as it is but you should not be letting people experience this for free. Thank you for making a fantastic game!

Segunda parte! esta vez con mando, que funciona de lujo.

Amo este juego!! tenéis que probarlo

What game engine do you use?


AMAZING GAME! I played it while my best friend watched, we both adored the game! It was so so cute and I'd love to see more from it!

Fantástico!! este juego está hecho con mucho cariño y es precioso!
Muy original y las mecánicas fáciles para personas como yo :)
Gracias creador!

Gracias creador!!

This is a Stunning game, everything from the background to the characters are really well fleshed out I look forward to playing more.

Insanely good. Chapter 4 is amazing. Bought the album on bandcamp. Would be amazing to see a bigger project by this team.


What a game one of the best in a while I LOVED the characters and EVERYTHING about it


Loved it! It was adorable

모든 게 완벽하네요! 제가 원하는 게임의 모습입니다!

Ive played this game its truly amazing

atmospheric, vibey and sweet

found a bear fren

spun on a chair, looked at corpses

10/10, will play again

please do more


I have loved this game. Music, graphics and story are beautiful. I can't wait the second game. It was so cool!!

(1 edit) (+1)

Best Game I've ever played :) (I want part two if there is one)

(2 edits) (+1)

loved it, but... there's a huge problem when im trying to play it. the game is extremely slow, even after turning my graphics on low. i thought it was normal unitl i watched gameplay video where the game was 10 times faster. also when i'm listening to radio the voice doesn't match the text (the text  is late). i really love the game and the main chracter is soo cute, but is there any way to fix it? maybe there's  problem with my device, but i don't really think my laptop is that bad 



Hey dude, great game, tho i might have softlocked myself... At the part where the radio said: "if you're hearing this message that means something went wrong" when i go to the right (where i see a platform, i seem to be blocked by something, and i dont know how to get past it since i cant see anything cause its behind a black pillar. Yeah, i dont know if im just an idiot or what but even just for a 5 minute adventure it was still amazing, great job!

I believe you have to go to the left of the guy, theres a vent (if Im thinking of the right part)


Que buen juego, está muy bien echo, la animaciones, los sonidos de fondo están muy bien conseguidas. 

Este juego lo vi primera vez en steam vi que estaba gratuito y decidí jugarlo a ver cómo era, y la verdad me encantó. 

Además me gusta que al final te deja con la intriga de "the end?" Espero que haya continuidad de esto juego. Thanks

(1 edit)

Hey dude great job man!, it feels soo comforting when i am playing your game and mostly i love the sheep it's so cute. God bless you man keep it up the good work and Hey i wonder what kind of software you used for this game pixel art, is it "Aseprite" or any other software?

Dude, this is one most emotional game i played. i´ll  keep following its content. Good job!

Absolutely gorgeous and moving game! It's just an hour or two, but wow, what a ride! Your music is as beautiful as ever!


10/10 game very cute, beautifully made game. Never thought a Mrsuicidesheep (a youtube channel i use to watch all the time for music) made this game, and blew my mind. Love this soo much i cannot explain my emotion for this. RECCOMMEND!!


It's just part 1 for now due to multiple claims...

Just clarifying is that ok to use?

claims can be removed with this process:

(1 edit)

Part 2, sorry I haven't got back to you and I'm really scared because that is the first time I pressed dispute :( I followed your advice via link. I'll report back in a week if the claim goes away. Thank You very much in advance :)


Yey it got removed Thank You very much for the help :D

I've played Half-Life in the past and it gives me a feeling I can't explain this gives the same feeling. I love the art and how cool the setting is, whenever I try making something unique, I can't find inspiration. 10/10 would play another game you make (if you do)

I hope I never forget this game.


Amazing game! 10/10 The story is beautiful, and the soundtrack is pure PERFECTION

One of the most beautiful games I've ever played. I definitely cussed at it a bunch but I loved the gameplay and the story. This game was just amazing, Good job.

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